目前分類:07陽光bali (29)

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發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2007-05-29 陽光BALI 28 DAY 5 (32) (3)
2007-05-22 陽光BALI 27 Dinner@Ulin (72) (2)
2007-05-19 陽光BALI 26 The Ulin VillaⅡ (160) (3)
2007-05-17 陽光BALI 25 The Ulin VillaⅠ (768) (2)
2007-05-16 陽光BALI 24 Moontee Lulu Spa (313) (4)
2007-05-15 陽光BALI 23 Ritz Carlton 教堂Ⅱ (17) (4)
2007-05-14 陽光BALI 22 Ritz Carlton 白沙灘+希臘游泳池 (82) (0)
2007-05-13 陽光BALI 21 Ritz Carlton 教堂Ⅰ (35) (4)
2007-05-09 陽光BALI 20 RITZ 趴趴走 (23) (5)
2007-05-06 陽光BALI 19 RITZ 私人沙灘 (20) (6)
2007-05-03 陽光BALI 18 Ritz carlton 2 (29) (0)
2007-05-02 陽光BALI 17 面海的SAMISAMI早餐 (27) (3)
2007-04-30 陽光BALI 16 Nuri's Warung肋排 (39) (3)
2007-04-28 陽光BALI 15 Zne Spa (31) (2)
2007-04-26 陽光BALI 14 梯田、聖泉廟 (129) (1)
2007-04-24 陽光BALI 13 Bebek Bengil 美食篇 (90) (1)
2007-04-21 陽光BALI 12 Bebek Bengil 景觀篇 (55) (3)
2007-04-20 陽光BALI 11 Sukawati (271) (3)
2007-04-19 陽光BALI 10 Ritz Carlton 早餐(下) (196) (4)
2007-04-18 陽光BALI 9 Ritz Carlton 早餐(上) (209) (2)
2007-04-16 陽光BALI 8 HARD ROCK (45) (1)
2007-04-14 陽光BALI 7 Made's Warung (326) (2)
2007-04-14 陽光BALI 6 闖蕩KUTA (38) (3)
2007-04-13 陽光BALI 5 Ritz Carlton 浴室篇 (80) (3)
2007-04-12 陽光BALI 4 Ritz Carlton 住房篇 (49) (11)
2007-04-12 陽光BALI 3 Ritz Carlton (44) (8)
2007-04-11 陽光BALI 2 慢吞吞海關 (1054) (5)
2007-04-10 陽光BALI 寫在行前 (26) (5)
2007-04-10 陽光BALI 1 (16) (7)